Farming is The American Dream

Farm for Life is an editorial series of the Missouri Department of Agriculture

Mike Parson
Bolivar, Missouri
3rd Generation Farmer
The American Dream. This is a vision chased by 6 million Missourians every day, especially Mike Parson. For this farm kid from Wheatland, Missouri, public service and farming met at the crossroads of his American Dream early in life. A sense of community, hard work and respect have driven him from day one. Today, he’s honored to serve as Missouri’s 57th Governor of the State of Missouri.
“Farm for Life means that the next generation of agriculture will represent who we are past my time,” Parson said. “I’m so blessed to have two children who have picked up this lifestyle. I’m so proud of that. I know my six grandkids will have the opportunity to pick up a love for agriculture too.”
Living today on First Lady Teresa Parson’s original family farm in Bolivar, Governor Parson proudly raises Angus cattle. The tradition and heritage of Missouri agriculture has always been important to Parson.
“Missouri farmers are second to none when it comes to work ethic and what they represent,” Parson said. “They represent the red, white and blue of America. It doesn’t get any better than here in Missouri.”
Parson, a third generation farmer, encourages the next generation of agriculture to invest their time into their education to be successful. He believes that understanding agribusiness and the global nature of Missouri agriculture is key to young people interested in an agriculture career.
“It’s going to be about education,” Parson said. “More important for the next generation is how we can preserve the land and maintain it for the future. It’s incredibly important we maintain that vision.”
Media Resources:
This piece may be used as an editorial or feature story by members of the media. For high-resolution photos to print in your local newspaper or agriculture publication, click here. To view the full length video of Governor Parson, click here.
To nominate a farmer today to be featured as a part of Farm for Life and see the list of upcoming videos, please visit Agriculture.Mo.Gov/farmforlife.