Disease Control and Surveillance
Who We Are and What We Do
The Disease Control program is responsible for controlling, eradicating, and testing for livestock disease in Missouri. This is accomplished through regulatory programs and disease testing of cattle, swine, horses, poultry, exotic animals, sheep, goats, and small animals as provided under the Diseased Animal Law. The state veterinarian is also responsible for the approval of vaccinations used in livestock and companion animals in the state. Our stringent animal health regulations and rigorous disease testing help keep Missouri free from costly and threatening livestock diseases.

Under the Diseased Animal Law, the department has the authority to enter any premises, barns, stables, sheds, vehicles, or other places to check for livestock disease or animal health violations. If a violation is discovered, a citation can be issued. An alleged violator found guilty of violating animal health laws is subject to civil penalties of up to $10,000 per violation. Potential violations include failure to secure required tests on animals, failure to secure a health certificate, alteration of official documents, removal of or tampering with official animal identification, etc.