October 30, 2019
Food Desert Matching Grants Available to Address Food Insecurity
Today, the Missouri Department of Agriculture announced the availability of Food Desert Agriculture Matching Grants of up to $25,000 per project to address food insecurity. Applications for the grant funds must benefit residents of a food desert, as defined by USDA, and are due by Nov. 29, 2019. Projects must be complete and ready for verification by May 1, 2020.
The Food Desert Agriculture Matching Grant Program will fund projects that address food insecurity within food deserts in rural and urban areas throughout the state of Missouri. Applicants must provide a minimum 25% match for their project in a combination of cash or in-kind contributions; however, the cash match must be greater than 50% of the total match for eligibility.
This is a competitive grant program and funds may be used to: increase food production and availability within a food insecure area; demonstrate growth of local economic communities; increase local economic impact; increase availability of food to local residents; or enhance already established areas within a community and provide assistance to the community.
Applications, a list of eligible expenses and grant requirements can be found online at Agriculture.Mo.Gov/abd/financial/food-desert.php.
To learn more about the Missouri Department of Agriculture and other financial assistance, please visit Agriculture.Mo.Gov.