March 21, 2013

Morgan and Cole County Groups Get Grants for 4-H, FFA Youth Service Projects

Director of Agriculture Dr. Jon Hagler announced that two groups from central Missouri were awarded grants from the Missouri Department of Agriculture's 2013 Building Our American Communities grant program today. Eleven local chapters of the National FFA Organization and nine Missouri 4-H clubs statewide have been granted funding for their community service projects this year.

"The Building Our American Communities program is a great opportunity for Missouri's 4-H and FFA members to be involved in agriculture and make a difference in their communities," said Director Hagler. "Youth are the future of Missouri's agriculture industry and it is outstanding to see their commitment to these projects."

The Radiant Rascals 4-H Club, the Versailles FFA Chapter, the Stover FFA Chapter and the Mid Missouri Bit and Bridle 4-H Club plan to upgrade local community buildings through their service projects.

The Radiant Rascals 4-H Club, the Versailles FFA Chapter and the Stover FFA Chapter, all of Morgan County, will use their granted funds to continue making improvements to the Morgan County Youth Fair Barn to make the barn a safer and healthier atmosphere for youth exhibitors and fair attendees. Funding will go toward several projects, including new gates, paint and drain pipes.

The Mid Missouri Bit and Bridle 4-H Club of Cole County will use funding toward improvements on the ham racks at their local fairgrounds. Cole County has seen a recent increase in the number of hams exhibited at the fair and changes need to be made to accommodate exhibitor's work.

The Building Our American Communities program has been supporting youth projects since the 1970s. Each year, youth organizations throughout Missouri submit proposals for consideration for the grants, which range from $100 to $500 and support specific projects within each community. The grants are funded through Missouri's Agriculture Development Fund under an agreement with the USDA.

4-H clubs and FFA chapters awarded grants this year must complete their projects no later than September 1, 2013.

For more information on the Department and its programs, visit