Service Technician Registration
The Missouri Division of Weights, Measures and Consumer Protection has a voluntary registration program for service technicians who install, service, repair, or recondition commercial weighing and measuring devices. Individuals who want to be certified should provide acceptable evidence that they are qualified to install, service, or repair weighing and measuring devices; have a thorough working knowledge of appropriate weights and measures laws and rules; and own or have available proper standards and testing equipment. The regulations for service technician registration is contained in the Code of State Regulations - 2 CSR 90-21.010.
These regulations do not prevent individuals who are not registered from installing, repairing, or servicing weighing and measuring devices. However, only registered service technicians may remove a weights and measures rejection tag or place a commercial device in service before a weights and measures official inspection. Individuals registering for the first time must submit an application; pass a written examination covering weights and measures laws and regulations; and present evidence that their standards or testing equipment has been certified by an approved standards laboratory. Individuals who want to use Missouri’s standards laboratory should call (573) 751-3440 to make an appointment. Those currently registered in another state may be eligible for Missouri registration under our reciprocity agreement.
A Serviceman Registration Application should be completed and submitted with required documentation to the Weights, Measures and Consumer Protection Division, PO Box 630, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0630.
Scale Companies Registered in Missouri
For further information contact the Device and Commodity Program.