Specialty Crop Block Grant Recipients for Fiscal Year 2022
The following projects were awarded grant funding for 2022:
- Missouri State University - Dissecting Genetic Determinants of Grape Berry Acids in Chambourcin-based Hybrids - Exploration of the heritability and genetic architecture of berry acid traits and develop the first ‘Chambourcin’ linkage map, via both SSR and SNP markers. - $49,974
- University of Missouri - Developing an Understanding of the Virus Situation with Missouri Elderberry - Employ the latest technologies to develop an understanding of the viruses most commonly associated with elderberry production in Missouri. Based on project results important viruses will be identified, mitigation and management strategies for elderberry viruses will be developed and disseminated to growers. -$49,804
- University of Missouri - Water Quality and Good Agricultural Practices Certification for Produce Growers - Provide resources and training to Missouri produce growers related to water quality and water treatment options to improve produce safety. Continue produce safety on-farm technical assistance for farmers to obtain GAPs certification and cost share. - $42,340.44
- Springfield Community Gardens - SCG Field and Farm - Increase training opportunities for beginning and established farmers with the knowledge and skills regarding proper fruit and vegetable refrigeration techniques, how to go to market, how to price and manage CSA’s and offer refrigeration resources managed by SCG. - $41,400
- University of Missouri - Enhance Extension Specialists Capacity in Teaching Hydroponics for Specialty Crops - Train extension educators, beginning and established farmers with hands-on hydroponic cultivation methods for at least seven specialty crops. - $49,950
- Truman State University - Promotion of Specialty Outdoor Mushroom Production - Create a mushroom cultivation yard demonstration site; and host workshops educating local farmers, ranchers and the public on how to get started in outdoor mushroom production growing Stropharia, Oyster, Shitake and Lions Mane mushrooms. - $17,951
- Lincoln University - Growing Native Ferns as Specialty Crops in Missouri - Demonstration plots will be established to promote native ferns as specialty crops in three locations with field days and tours offered. - $47,985
- University of Missouri - Fingerling Potato Production in Moveable High Tunnels to Expand Missouri’s Vegetable Market - Evaluate eight cultivars of fingerling potatoes in hoop house and field production comparisons including the assessment of production for two crops in one production year. Results will be shared thru field days and presentations. - $28,216.88
- University of Missouri - Weed Management Practices to Increase Sweet Potato Production in Missouri - Research various combination comparisons of herbicides and cover crops for early season weed management in ‘Beauregard’ sweet potatoes grown on raised beds. - $28,080