Show Me Food, Beverage & Forest Product Manufacturing Initiative
The food, beverage, and forest products sectors make up roughly a third of Missouri’s economy. Overall, these sectors and the value-added industries that support them represent a significant portion of the economic life throughout much of Missouri.
Missouri agriculture is a foundation of the state’s economy. According to the most recent analysis of the state’s agriculture and forestry industry, the sector contributed more than $88 billion to the state’s economy — approximately 15 percent of total state output.
Initiative Milestones:
- October 2020: The task force submitted its Show Me Food, Beverage & Forest Products Manufacturing Initiative Report to Governor Mike Parson. Read the full report by clicking here.
- March 2020: Show Me Food, Beverage & Forest Products Manufacturing Initiative Task Force meeting.
- September 2019: Regional Food Systems Listening Session.
- September 2019: Food for Health Listening Session.
- September 2019: Enhanced Commodity Utilization Listening Session.
- August 2019: Show Me Food, Beverage & Forest Products Manufacturing Initiative Task Force meeting.
- June 2019: Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe signed an Executive Order creating the Missouri Food, Beverage and Forest Products Manufacturing Task Force. Learn more about the task force by clicking here.
- February 2019: The Missouri Agricultural Foundation published the Show-Me Food, Beverage and Forest Products Manufacturing Study. The study estimated that the advancement of new food processing and manufacturing initiative could create nearly 70,000 new jobs, contribute $3 billion annual tax revenues and add $25 billion to Missouri’s economic output within 10 years. The study was funded by groups including the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority, agriculture and commodity organizations and the University of Missouri. Read the full report by clicking here.