Animal Health Diagnostic Labs
The Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratories are operated under the direction of the state veterinarian. The laboratories were established to help the division identify, control and eradicate those livestock diseases that threaten the profitability and marketability of Missouri’s livestock and livestock products. In January 1994 the division was granted the authority to charge fees for a variety of other diagnostic services. The fees were established to help offset the cost of maintaining the laboratories and to upgrade equipment so that new and advanced tests can be run.
The Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratories offer the diagnostic service listed at the bottom of the page. All services listed are not available at both state laboratories. If you are unsure about where to send a sample for testing, please contact the state laboratory nearest you:
Missouri Department of Agriculture Animal Health Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories
Jefferson City Location
Located within the State Public Health Laboratory
US Mail Address:
PO Box 630
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Street Address:
101 N. Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Hand delivered samples need to be taken to the building's loading dock where instructions can be found to call for pick-up.
Phone: (573) 751-3460
Fax: (573) 751-5279
Directions to Laboratory
Jefferson City Lab Sample Submission Form
Springfield Location
701 North Miller Avenue
Springfield, MO 65802
Phone: (417) 895-6861
Fax: (417) 831-4766
Directions to Laboratory
Springfield Lab Sample Submission Form
Samples will be referred to appropriate laboratories for tests not done at the Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratories. The charge for this service will include charges from the referral laboratory plus a $5 handling fee.
The veterinarian, company or business requesting the service shall be responsible for paying for laboratory services. Further laboratory services will not be performed if an account is more than 90 days overdue. Uncollectible checks or other uncollectible financial instruments will be charged an additional $25.

All samples must be submitted on official forms and must be complete and legible. Test charts and samples improperly submitted may be returned to the veterinarian for correction.
Additional copies of a test chart will be provided upon request at a cost of 25¢/per page. Upon request, test results can be faxed at a cost of 25¢/per page.No fees will be charged for disease tests that are included in a state and federal cooperative program. Fees for nonprogram services performed at the Animal Health Laboratories are outlined in the links below.
Find MDA milk testing guidance here regarding the evolving HPAI in dairy situation.
Animal Disease Control
Related Information
Contact Information
Animal Health Division
Phone: (573) 751-3377
About the Division
Division Staff & District Maps
Diagnostic Labs
Laboratory Fees: (Are Not Refundable)
Laboratory Test | Specimen | Species | Submission Deadline | Turn-Around Time | Fees |
AGID Avian Influenza | Serum | Avian | 3:00 pm | 24 hours* | $1.05 |
Avian Influenza Antigen Detection | Serum | Avian | 5:00 pm | Contact the Laboratory | $12.60 |
ELISA Hemorrhagic Enteritis | Serum | Avian | 5:00 pm | Contact the Laboratory | $1.85 |
Bordetella ELISA | Serum | Avian | 5:00 pm | Contact the Laboratory | $1.85 |
Mycoplasma Gallisepticum HI Serology | Serum | Avian | 5:00 pm | Contact the Laboratory | $0.80 |
Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Rapid Plate Test or ELISA | Serum | Avian | 5:00 pm | Contact the Laboratory | $0.45 |
Mycoplasma Synoviae HI Serology | Serum | Avian | 5:00 pm | Contact the Laboratory | $0.80 |
Mycoplasma Synoviae Rapid Plate Test or ELISA | Serum | Avian | 5:00 pm | Contact the Laboratory | $0.45 |
Mycoplasma Meleagridis HI Serology | Serum | Avian | 5:00 pm | Contact the Laboratory | $0.80 |
Mycoplasma Meleagridis Rapid Plate Test or ELISA | Serum | Avian | 5:00 pm | Contact the Laboratory | $0.45 |
Newcastle Disease Virus ELISA Serology | Serum | Avian | 5:00 pm | Contact the Laboratory | $1.55 |
NPIP Salmonella Screen | Environmental Swab | Avian | 5:00 pm | 5 Days (only ran on Monday) | $10.50 |
Salmonella Pullorum Rapid Plate Test | Serum | Avian | 5:00 pm | Contact the Laboratory | $0.15 |
Salmonella Pullorum Tube Agglutination Test | Serum | Avian | 5:00 pm | 24 hours* | $0.30 |
*Results from samples received on a Friday will be available on a Tuesday.
Laboratory Test | Specimen | Species | Submission Deadline | Turn-Around Time | Fees |
Aerobic Bacterial Culture (except blood) Isolation and Identification (per sample) | Various | Various | 5:00 pm | 3-10 Days | $21.00 |
Aerobic Culture plus Salmonella Screen | Various | Various | 5:00 pm | 5 Days** | $22.05 |
Anaerobic Bacterial Culture (per sample) | Various | Various | 5:00 pm | 3-10 Days | $26.25 |
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test | Various | Various | 5:00 pm | 3-10 Days | $21.25 |
Brucella Canis Culture | Whole Blood (Blue Top Tube) | Canine | 5:00 pm | 2 Weeks | $12.60 |
Fungal Culture | Various | Various | 5:00 pm | 2 Weeks | $19.95 |
Milk Culture and Sensitivity | Milk | Various | 5:00 pm | 3-10 Days | $25.20 |
**Salmonella screens are set up on Mondays only.
Clinical Pathology
Laboratory Test | Specimen | Species | Submission Deadline | Turn-Around Time | Fees |
Direct Fecal Smear | Feces | Various | 5:00 pm | Same Day | $5.25 |
Fecal Flotation | Feces | Various | 5:00 pm | Same Day | $7.35 |
Gram’s Stain | Various | Various | 5:00 pm | Same Day | $5.25 |
Molecular Diagnostics
Laboratory Test | Specimen | Species | Submission Deadline | Turn-Around Time | Fees |
Avian Influenza PCR | BHI Tube | Avian | 11:00 am | Same Day | $21.00 |
Avian Newcastle PCR | BHI Tube | Avian | 11:00 am | Same Day | $21.00 |
Johnes fecal PCR (individual) | Feces | Bovine, Caprine | 11:00 am | 48 Hours | $26.25 |
Johnes fecal PCR (pooled) | Feces | Bovine, Caprine | 11:00 am | 48 Hours | $31.50 |
Mycoplasma (MG/MS) PCR | BHI Tube | Avian | 11:00 am | Same Day | $20.00 |
Salmonella PCR | Environmental Sponge | Avian | 11:00 am | Same Day | $21.00 |
Tritrichomonas foetus PCR | Trich Pouch, Trich PBS Tube | Bovine | 11:00 am | Same Day | $26.25 |
Tritrichomonas foetus PCR (pooled – if positive, individual samples will be tested) | Trich Pouch, Trich PBS Tube | Bovine | 11:00 am | Same Day | $31.50 |
Laboratory Test | Specimen | Species | Submission Deadline | Turn-Around Time | Fees |
Gross Necropsy Exam | Whole Body | All | 5:00 pm | Contact the Laboratory | $55.00 |
Gross Necropsy Exam with Bacterial Culture | Whole Body | All | 5:00 pm | Contact the Laboratory | $68.25 |
Laboratory Test | Specimen | Species | Submission Deadline | Turn-Around Time | Fees |
Anaplasmosis ELISA | Serum | Bovine | 11:00 am | Same Day (ran on Mon, Wed, Fri) | $5.25 |
Bluetongue ELISA | Serum | Bovine, Caprine, Ovine | 11:00 am | Same Day (ran on Tuesday and Thursday) | $5.25 |
Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) ELISA | Serum | Bovine | 11:00 am | Same Day (ran on Mon, Wed, Fri) | $5.25 |
Bovine Pregnancy ELISA (1-4 samples) | Serum | Bovine, Caprine, Ovine | 11:00 am | Same Day (ran on Tuesday and Thursday) | $5.25 |
Bovine Pregnancy ELISA (5 or more samples) | Serum | Bovine, Caprine, Ovine | 11:00 am | Same Day (ran on Tuesday and Thursday) | $3.20 |
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus PI ELISA | Serum or Fresh Ear Notch Samples | Bovine | 11:00 am | Same Day | $2.90 |
Brucella Abortus BAPA | Serum | Bovine, Caprine, Cervid, Porcine, Other Misc. Species | 5:00 pm | 1-2 Days | $4.00 |
Brucella Canis TAT (1-10 samples) | Serum | Canine | 3:00 pm | 48 Hours (only ran Monday-Wednesday) | $6.30 |
Brucella Canis TAT (11 or more samples) | Serum | Canine | 3:00 pm | 48 Hours (only ran Monday-Wednesday) | $4.20 |
Brucella Ovis ELISA | Serum | Ovine | 10:00 am | Same Day (ran on Tuesday and Thursday) | $10.00 |
EIA AGID | Serum | Equine | 3:00 pm | 24 Hours | $5.25 |
EIA ELISA | Serum | Equine | 2:00 pm | Same Day | $8.40 |
Johne’s ELISA | Serum | Bovine, Caprine | 10:00 am | Same Day (ran on Mon, Wed, Fri) | $5.25 |
Porcine Resp. Reprod. Syn. (PRRS) IFA | Serum | Porcine | 5:00 pm | 1-2 Days | $3.70 |
PRV ELISA/Latex/SN | Serum | Porcine | 5:00 pm | 1-2 Days | $2.15 |