Feed & Seed Program

Who We Are and What We Do

The Missouri Feed and Seed Program regulates the state’s commercial activities involving feed and seed. Our program works to protect the safety of the food supply for both human and animal consumption, while also preventing the spread of prohibited weed seed. This is accomplished through inspecting firms, sampling and testing products, and providing information to consumers. The Feed and Seed Regulatory Program Inspectors collect samples of products such as finished feeds, feed ingredients, customer formulated feed, pet food, agricultural seed and vegetable seed. The collected samples are then sent to either the MDA Feed Control Laboratory or MDA Seed Control Laboratory and tested for adherence to the guarantees listed on the label.

Professional Pesticide Sprayer Employee
Person in blue jeans and tennis shoes spraying
Tractor spraying Crop (Mass Spraying)


The Missouri Commercial Feed Law and Regulations covers:

  • Livestock Feed
  • Feed Ingredients
  • Pet Food and Specialty Pet Food

All commercial livestock feed, pet food, specialty pet food, and ingredients must be appropriately labeled and are subject to random sampling and analysis by the Feed and Seed Program.

The Feed Regulatory Program fully implemented the Animal Feed Regulatory Program Standards in 2021. The inspectional staff is trained and perform both FDA and state inspections.

Laws and Regulations

Forms and Fee Schedule

Missouri Commercial Feed License

The Missouri Commercial Feed Law requires that all companies have a Missouri Commercial Feed License who are manufacturing within the state, distributing in or into the state, whose name appears on the labeling as guarantor, or any person acting as an independent consultant of a commercial feed or commercial feed ingredient. This includes pet food and treats (dog and cat) as well as specialty pet food and treats (cage and tank).

To apply for, or renew, a Missouri Commercial Feed License, the applicant must submit the following by mail or must complete the requirements online through MOPlants:

Period Cost Due Date Late Penalty Fee
Feed License July 1 - June 30 $35 Per License Annually June 30 $25 if postmarked after July 31

Tonnage Report

All commercial feeds sold or distributed in or into Missouri must be reported in tons on a quarterly basis.

To complete a Missouri Feed Tonnage Report, a company must submit the following by mail or complete the requirements online through MOPlants:

  • Missouri Feed Tonnage Report
  • Inspection Fee of $0.14 per ton, which applies to all feeds, feed ingredients, and pet/specialty pet foods. The minimum quarterly inspection fee is $5.
  • Tonnage report reminders are emailed or mailed at the end of each quarter.
  • Tonnage shall not be reported for products that are registered.
  • Current Missouri Deferment List

Application for Deferment List
If you would like to be considered for inclusion on the deferment List, submit the completed application. For additional questions about deferment, contact our office.

Period Cost Due Date Late Penalty Fee
Tonnage 1st Quarter
January 1 - March 31
2nd Quarter
April 1 - June 30
3rd Quarter
July 1 - September 30
4th Quarter
October 1 - December 31
$0.14 per Ton
$5 Inspection Fee
(Quarterly) April 30

July 31

October 31

January 31

20% of amount due or $5
(whichever is greater if postmarked after)
May 15

August 15

November 15

February 15

Product Registration for Pet Foods and Specialty Pet Foods

Pet food (cat and dog), sold exclusively in 10-pound packages or less, and specialty pet food (cage and tank), sold exclusively in one-pound packages or less, must be registered annually on a Product Registration Listing form.

To complete a Missouri Product Registration form, a company must submit the following by mail or complete the requirements online through MOPlants:

  • Missouri Product Registration form
  • $90/product, in lieu of the inspection fee associated with the tonnage report.
  • Effective January 1 – December 31
  • In cases where a pet food product is sold in both sizes (larger and smaller than 10 pounds), and specialty pet food sold in both sizes (larger and smaller than one pound), the product is only required to be reported on the quarterly tonnage report. The inspection fee ($0.14/ton) is the only fee that applies.
  • Product Registration renewals for the next year will be emailed or mailed.

Reduced Fee Option
There is a reduced product registration fee of $25/product for companies whose total gross annual sales do not exceed $5,000. Additional information will be required in order to receive the reduced fee. If you believe this applies to your company, contact our office for further assistance.

Period Cost Due Date Late Penalty Fee
Product Registration January 1- December 31 Cat & Dog
exclusively sold in 10 lb packages or less

Specialty Pet
exclusively sold in 1 lb packages or less


Per Product Annually January 1 50% of amount due January 31
*If gross annual sales of company is ≤ $ 5,000, a reduced fee is subject to approval. Contact office for more info.

Consumer and Industry Resources

Guide to Making and Selling Pet Products in Missouri
MDA’s goal is to bring awareness of laws, regulations, and standards for manufacturing and selling pet food and treats. This applies to anyone who wants to produce pet food and treats in their own home or in a commercial facility. This document was created by MDA to aid in the development of a label and summary of the required licenses and inspection fees.

Feed Control Laboratory
The Feed Control Laboratory tests samples submitted by the Feed and Seed Inspectors to aid in regulating the feed industry. The samples submitted are tested to ensure that they are not adulterated or misbranded.

The laboratory implemented a quality management system and received ISO/IEC – 17025:2017 accreditation in December 2019.

Pet Food Summary Reports
This report provides a three year snapshot of official pet food samples collected by the Feed and Seed Inspectors and tested by the Feed Control Laboratory to strengthen consumer awareness.

Annual Feed Summary Reports
This annual report includes information such as the results of the analyses of official samples of commercial feeds sold compared to the Guaranteed Analysis on the label, a report of the mycotoxin, protein, and moisture results found during the Corn Survey, a list of companies who earned the Excellence in Compliance Award, and a list of firms that were in violation of the law and received regulatory actions.

Corn Survey
The Feed Program conducts the Corn Survey each year during harvest season. The survey reports indicate findings of mycotoxins, like aflatoxin or fumonisin, commonly found in corn. If corn is found containing toxin levels exceeding FDA guidelines for safe use for animals, the facility at which the corn was sampled is notified immediately.

corn survey report Field Inspector Territory map

Feed Sample Testing Results

Analyses results of all official samples of commercial feed from 2011 to current. Users may sort and filter data.

FDA Information

Related Organizations

File a Complaint

When an individual suspects that a commercial feed or feed ingredient has been adulterated, misbranded, or has impacted their livestock or pet, they may file a complaint to the Feed and Seed Program.

For a livestock feed or pet food complaint, please follow these steps:

  1. First, you should always contact your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns for your animal.
  2. Next, check FDA’s recall website for any recalls on the specific food you give your animal.
  3. After talking to your veterinarian and checking for recalls, feel free to contact the Missouri Department of Agriculture if you think the issue is the animal food.
  4. You can submit a complaint to the Feed and Seed Program at https://apps.mda.mo.gov/moplants/Complaint/ComplaintEdit.aspx.

Each complaint received will be reviewed to determine if an investigation is warranted. The Missouri Department of Agriculture does not determine liability for any damage loss, nor does the department order restitution be paid for damages or losses resulting from the incident. Once the investigation is closed, any party involved in the investigation may submit a formal Sunshine Request for all other information related to the investigation except for proprietary formula related information.

Frequently Asked Questions

I just received a Withdrawal from Distribution Order. What do I need to do to get it released?

The products associated with the Withdrawal from Distribution Order may not be removed from the premises for any purpose until authorized or released in writing by the Feed and Seed Program. Withdrawals that are sent, only apply to the product and lot number listed on the associated withdrawal at that location or collection point. It does not include other lot numbers or products at different locations.

To receive a release for the Withdrawal from Distribution Order, notify our office at (573) 751-4310 or email FSTT@mda.mo.gov of your disposition method request.

Your disposition options are as follows:

  1. All Sold – This is only an option if all product associated with the withdrawal has been sold with no more product remaining before withdrawal was issued.
  2. Destroyed – If you so choose, you are allowed to destroy or dispose of all remaining product associated with the withdrawal. Appropriate disposal methods include throwing away in dumpster, disposing at landfill, donation of product, feed out to own livestock, etc. The main point is you cannot receive a profit on this product when disposing it.
  3. Relabeled – All product associated with the withdrawal will be relabeled to ensure the product is no longer misbranded.
    • New label guarantees must meet or exceed findings listed on the withdrawal.
    • A copy of the label will need submitted with the request.
  4. Return to Manufacturer to be Reprocessed – All product associated with the withdrawal will be sent back to manufacturer for further processing.
  5. Reprocessed – All product associated with the withdrawal, which remains at the manufacturer’s location, will be reprocessed. For example, your company was the original manufacturer, and you will process the product yourself.

Once you notify the office of your disposition method request, we will record your disposition request in our database. From there, our system will generate a Withdrawal from Distribution Order Release. (It will look similar to the original document; however, it will have “RELEASED” in the bottom right-hand corner.) The release will be sent to you via email. Then once you receive the release, you are allowed to handle the product as requested.

Who needs a Missouri Commercial Feed License?

The Missouri Commercial Feed Law requires that all companies have a Missouri Commercial Feed License who are manufacturing within the state, distributing in or into the state, whose name appears on the labeling as guarantor, or any person acting as an independent consultant of a commercial feed or commercial feed ingredient. This includes pet food and treats (dog and cat) as well as specialty pet food and treats (cage and tank).


  • Locations that are retail only (sell to the end user ONLY) do not need a license.
  • Commercial feed shall not include feed that is manufactured, distributed, and consumed by the manufacturer’s own livestock.

How much is a Missouri Commercial Feed License?

A Commercial Feed License in Missouri is $35 annually, valid from July 1 to June 30.

Can I pay for my license, tonnage, and/or product registration online?

Yes, you may apply for or renew your feed license, file tonnage reports, and register and renew product registrations online by logging into MOPlants.

The online portal accepts most major credit cards and e-checks.

If you have trouble logging in, or need assistance with creating an online account, please contact our office at (573) 751-4310.

Do I have to report tonnage?

Everyone that holds a Missouri Commercial Feed License is required to submit a tonnage report on a quarterly basis, unless they sell pet food products exclusively in packages in 10 pounds or less or specialty pet (caged or tank) food products exclusively in packages of 1 pound or less. Those not reporting tonnage are required to have their products registered annually.

How do I submit my tonnage report?

Tonnage reports can be submitted by either:

  1. Filing your report online by logging into MOPlants, or
  2. Returning the completed Missouri Feed Tonnage Report form with the appropriate fees. A blank form is available in our Forms and Fee Schedule section.

How do I calculate my tonnage/inspection fee?

The amount due will depend on the number of tons sold or distributed in or into the state of Missouri. The inspection or tonnage fee of $0.14 per ton or $5, whichever is greater, is to be paid quarterly.

Tonnage reports that are postmarked after the “due without penalty if postmarked by” date will have an additional late fee of 20% of the total inspection fee due or $5, whichever is greater. This date is specific to each quarter and can be located on the Tonnage Fee Chart.

What is Product Registration?

Product registration is the requirement to register each product of pet food (dogs and cats), sold exclusively in packages of 10 pounds or less, or specialty pet food (cage or tank animals) sold exclusively in packages of 1 pound or less. Products sold in both sizes (larger and smaller than 10 pounds or 1 pound), do not need registered and are only required to be reported on the quarterly tonnage report.

Registration fees are as follows:

  • Pet food (dog and cat) is $90 per product.
    Unless firm signs an affirmation claiming their total gross annual sales were less than $5,000. If affirmation is approved by the Feed Program, the fee is reduced to $25 per product.
  • Specialty pet feed (cage or tank) is $90 per product.

The registration for each product is valid from January 1 to December 31 and is renewed annually. New products can be registered at any time throughout the year. A blank form is available in our Forms and Fee Schedule section.

Are rawhides/chews/bones required to be registered annually?

Ultimately this depends on the labeling and the intent of the product.

  • As a general rule, no. Rawhides and bones are exempt from registration and state labeling requirements.
  • However, if product label or advertising includes feed ingredients or makes any label claim that the product provides anything of nutritional value to the animal, that product will be required to be registered and follow all state labeling requirements.
    • Label claim examples of products requiring registration: “Made with Real Chicken,” “High Protein,” “Bacon Wrapped Bone,” “Highly Digestible.”
    • Label containing a Guaranteed Analysis also requires registration.

If I launch a new product after the registration deadline, when do I need to make the registration payment?

Payment for all new registered products, regardless of date, must be submitted prior to the sale of that product. For info on how to register a new product, see the Forms and Fee Schedule section.


The Seed Regulatory Program regulates the state’s commercial seed industry through inspecting firms, sampling and testing seeds, and providing information to consumers to assist in making buying decisions. These inspections are intended to prove the reliability of labelers in meeting their claims for seed quality.

All seed retailers are required to have their seed retested for germination every 10 months (counting the month the seed was retested). Seed lots found to be out of test date will be placed on Stop Sale Order. To release the Stop Sale, the seed lot may be retested to update the label with a new test date and germination rate, or the seed may be disposed of in an acceptable manner.

The Feed and Seed Program offers seed testing services. The charges for analysis and analytical reports on seed samples are listed in the Missouri Seed Regulations 2CSR 70-35.050.

Laws and Regulations

Forms and Fee Schedule

Missouri Seed Permit

The Missouri Seed Law requires any person who sells, distributes, offers or exposes for sale any agricultural or vegetable seed in the state of Missouri to obtain a Missouri Seed Permit. Seed dealers must purchase permits for each sales classification performed.

To apply for or renew a Missouri Seed Permit, the applicant must submit the following by mail or must complete the requirements online through MOPlants:

  • Missouri Seed Permit Application
  • Permit fee(s) range from $20 to $400 depending on the classification of seed sales performed.
  • Permit valid January 1 – December 31
  • Renewed annually
  • Permit renewals for the next year will be emailed or mailed.

Seed Permit Type Cost Due Date Late Penalty Fee Beginning


Retail (No Storage)

Retail (Storage)





Per Permit Annually December 31 50% of amount due January 1

Seed Service Sample Submission Form

The Feed and Seed Program offers seed testing services. The charges for analysis and analytical reports on seed samples are listed in the Missouri Seed Regulations 2CSR 70-35.050.

A Seed Service Sample Submission Form should be submitted with each individual seed sample to be tested.

For farmers not selling seed, complimentary, cost-free seed analyses are performed and reported by the Seed Control Laboratory during the periods of June 1 to August 31 and November 1 to the following January 15 for those who request analyses under the provisions of 2 CSR 70-35.050. All other testing will be subject to the fees outlined on the submission form.

File a Complaint

Individuals may file a complaint concerning seed covered under the Missouri Seed Law and Regulations to our program at https://apps.mda.mo.gov/moplants/Complaint/ComplaintEdit.aspx. Each complaint received will be reviewed to determine if an investigation is warranted.

The Missouri Department of Agriculture does not determine liability for any damage loss, nor does the department order restitution be paid for damages or losses resulting from the incident. Once the investigation is closed, any party involved in the investigation may submit a formal Sunshine Request for all other information related to the investigation.