Plant Industries Staff
Paul Bailey, Division Director
(573) 751-2462
John Brunnert, Chief Technical Officer
(573) 751-5508
Lori Volkart
Division Secretary
(573) 751-2462
Feed and Seed Program
(573) 751-4310
Mary Koestner
Program Manager
(573) 751-4310
Morgan Ferbert
Feed and Seed Inspector Supervisor
(573) 469-1004
Taliaa Pendergrass
AFRPS Coordinator
(573) 526-4677
Whitney Williams
Pet Food Coordinator
(573) 522-6786
Maghan Lage
Compliance & Enforcement Coordinator
(573) 526-0481
Eileen Pierson
Executive I
(573) 522-6784
Laura Schaefer
Administrative Support Clerk
(573) 526-3987
Tabitha Ypya
Lead Administrative Support Assistant
(573) 751-4310
Amanda Goff
Administrative Support Assistant
(573) 751-5474
Feed Laboratory:
(573) 522-6785
Melissa Nichols, Laboratory Manager
Abbey Stieferman, Quality Assurance Manager
Luke Malinski, Senior Laboratory Scientist
Sheila Schaffer, Senior Laboratory Scientist
Michaela Madison, Senior Laboratory Scientist
Garrett Avery, Laboratory Scientist
Veronica Donovan, Laboratory Scientist
Seed Laboratory:
(573) 751-4340
David Hoskins, Seed Analyst III
Andrea Taylor, Seed Analyst II
Feed & Seed Inspectors:
Area 1: Morgan Ferbert, (573) 469-1004
Area 2: Ken Disselhorst, (573) 822-3850
Area 3: Makenzie Schwalm, (573) 298-3953
Area 4: Marissa Jack, (573) 418-3981
Area 5: Taylor Otto, (573) 616-8786
Area 6: Jeremy Barron, (573) 418-0907
Area 7: Meridee Haworth-Ryder, (573) 418-3984
Bureau of Feed and Seed Inspector Territory Map
Produce Safety Program
Bart Hawcroft, Program Manager
(573) 751-8558
Fax: (573) 526-7777
Produce Safety Inspectors:
Riley Boland
Blake Moore
Troy Wieberg
Pesticide Program
(573) 751-5504
Fax: (573) 751-0005
Kory Hubbard, Program Administrator
(573) 751-5510
Emily Groner
Certification Program Coordinator
(573) 522-1637
Megan Troesser
Enforcement Program Coordinator
(573) 751-5511
Taylor Dennigmann
Pesticide Initiatives Program Coordinator
(573) 751-3498
Shawn Jaegers
Pesticide Program Specialist
(573) 751-5791
Rachel Hasty
Pesticide Program Specialist
(573) 751-2560
Susan Lepper
Administrative Office Support Assistant
(573) 751-5509
Michaela McDonnell
Senior Office Support Assistant
(573) 751-5504
Missouri Pesticide Use Investigators:
Area 1: Turner Cotton
Area 2: Vacant
Area 3: Mark Brady
Area 4: Brian Schmidt
Area 5: John Battles
Area 6: Dwight Hoffman
Area 7: Scott Peters
Area 8: Doug Stewart
Area 9: Andrew Hughes
Area 10: Stacy Ward
Area 11: Kyrie Hoisington
Area 12: Marc Bell
Pesticide Investigators Territory Map
Plant Pest Control
Rosalee Knipp, State Entomologist/Program Administrator
(573) 751-5505
Tammie Bishop, Lead Administrative Support Assistant
(573) 751-5505
Vacant, Senior Office Support Assistant
(573) 522-9948
Markos McAuliffe
State Survey Coordinator
(573) 751-9334
Alyssa Bernett, Forest Pest Program Coordinator
(573) 522-1159
Dr. Matthew Cullen , Plant Pathology Lab Supervisor
(573) 751-8319
Vacant, Plant Pathology Lab Diagnostician
(573) 522-6120
Kimberly Steese, Plant Protection Specialist/Export Certifications
(573) 526-1732
Plant Protection Specialists
Area 1 - Susan Ehlenbeck, Horticulturist
Counties: Franklin, Jefferson, St. Louis County
Area 2 - Catherine Smith, Horticulturist
Counties: Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Caldwell, Carroll, Clay, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Holt, Northern Jackson, Livingston, Mercer, Nodaway, Platte, Ray, Worth
Area 3 - Ben Quisenberry, Horticulturist
Counties: Barry, Barton, Cedar, Christian, Dade, Dallas, Greene, Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Polk, Stone, Taney, Vernon, Webster
Area 4 - Dr. Yuhong Li, Plant Pathologist
Counties: Bollinger, Butler, Cape Girardeau, Dunklin, Iron, Madison, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Perry, Reynolds, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Scott, Stoddard, Washington, Wayne
Area 5 - Zach Starr, Horticulturist
Counties: Audrain, Clark, Knox, Lewis, Lincoln, Marion, Monroe, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls, St Charles, St. Louis City, Scotland, Shelby, Warren
Area 6 - Eze Pojmann-Ezeonyilo, Horticulturist
Counties: Camden, Cole, Carter, Crawford, Dent, Douglas, Gasconade, Howell, Laclede, Maries, Miller, Osage, Oregon, Ozark, Phelps, Pulaski, Ripley, Shannon, Texas, Wright
Area 7 - Amanda Tizon, Entomologist
Counties: Bates, Benton, Cass, Henry, Hickory, Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis, St. Clair, Southern Jackson
Area 8 - Lee Conner, Forester
Counties: Adair, Boone, Callaway, Chariton, Cooper, Howard, Linn, Macon, Moniteau, Morgan, Putnam, Randolph, Saline, Schuyler, Sullivan