The Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Authority makes grants, loans, loan guarantees and tax credits available at competitive rates. MASBDA offerings are only a portion of financial assistance programs available to Missouri producers available on the Missouri Department of Agriculture website.
The Missouri Department of Agriculture offers direct loans through the Agriculture Development Fund to finance the production, processing and marketing needs of an alternative agricultural enterprise. An agricultural alternative project is doing something different from what traditional rural operations are currently doing. It may be taking a traditional enterprise and adding a new twist such as butchering your own livestock and selling the meat or milling your own wheat and making baked goods. An alternative for one person is not necessarily an alternative for another person. Look at your area and seek out profitable opportunities.
The purpose of the Animal Waste Treatment System Loan Program is to finance animal waste treatment systems for independent livestock and poultry producers at below conventional interest rates. Loan proceeds may be used to finance 100% of the cost of an eligible animal waste treatment system
Animal Waste Treatment System Loan program details and application
The Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority administers a program that enables lenders to receive federally tax-exempt interest on loans made to beginning farmers. The tax savings are passed on to beginning farmers in the form of lower interest rates. A qualified borrower can borrow up to $667,500 to buy agricultural land, farm buildings, farm equipment and breeding livestock.
The Down Payment Loan program can be used by a qualifying Missouri producer to more readily secure a loan from a participating lender, either providing the full down payment, or supplementing the down payment amount available. It may be used in conjunction with MASBDA programs, for example the Beginning Farmer Loan Program, providing the borrower meets the criteria for both programs. It may also be used in conjunction with non-MASBDA programs.
The Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority’s (MASBDA) Missouri Agribusiness Revolving Loan Fund offers financing to Qualifying Missouri Agribusinesses, such as value-added agriculture enterprises, agriculture support businesses, marketers or retailers of agricultural products, and businesses with emerging agricultural technology. This funding is provided, in part, by the USDA Rural Development’s Intermediary Relending Program.